Saturday, 15 October 2016

“Google Drive” – A Good Way to Host Your Website

“Google Drive”, a property of Google can be served as a place to host your website, in case you don’t have access to a web server. Google drive can host both basic as well as javascript based web applications easily. The main limitation of Google drive is it’s 15 GB storage space and beyond this you have to pay some money to use it. You can only host HTML, CSS, Javascript websites in this and websites of PHP, ASP or JSP need live web server and you have to buy it.

Following are the steps to host your websites:

1. Create New Folder: Login to your Google drive account and create a new folder. After that, right click on folder and click share. Change it’s access permission to Private or Public as you desire. Copy you folder ID.

2. Upload Website Files: In this step, you need to upload your website files to the folder created in the previous step. After upload, you just need to type the url in address bar and your website will open.

3. Access Your Websites: Open a new tab on browser and type<folder_ id>/<file _name>/ and press enter. You need to replace folder id with the id you copied in Step 1 and file name is index.html.

Benefit of Using Google Drive:

1.    Your website is secured with SSL i.e Secure Socket Layer.

2.    You can upload multimedia files on your websites like images, video, audio, etc.

3.    You can crawl your Google drive hosted website easily.

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